Booking Confirmation Voucher
Guest Name: Print Voucher
Check In:
1st Jan 1970
12:00 AM
Check Out:
1st Jan 1970
12:00 AM
Booking ID:
Date of Booking:
1st Jan 1970
Room Type:
Important Note:
Description of Service:
Hotel Policies
- The standard check-in time is 02:00 PM and the standard check-out time is 11:00 AM. Early check-in or late check-out is strictly subjected to availability and may be chargeable by the hotel. Any early check-in or late check-out request must be directed and reconfirmed with hotel and may be chargeable by the hotel directly
- Guest must present his/her photo id at the time of check in compulsory for each Guest.
- Smoking Policy-Non Smoking The Resort allows Smoking only in designated area and outside the Resort.
- Smoking in the Room is Restricted to Balconies And Smoking in Room And Public Areas is Not allowed.
- Valid ID for all adults is mandatory at the time of check in.
- Final rights of admission/check-in remain reserved with the hotel management & refund can be denied in-case any misconduct is observed by the hotel management.
- All Couple Friendly hotels allow Local IDs.
- Valid Local Id Accepted - Government ids with address will be accepted: Driving License, Aadhar card, Voter ID, Passport. Age must be greater than 18.
- Any increase in the price due to taxes will be borne by you and payable at the hotel.
- The primary age of the guest must be at least 18 years old to be able to check into this hotel
- Your stay does not include additional personal expenses like telephone charges, meals that aren't part of your meal plan, any hotel services you use (like laundry and room service) or tips. The hotel will charge you directly for these when you're checking out.
- It is mandatory for guests to present valid photo identification at the time of check-in. According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel.
- Hotels may charge a mandatory meal surcharge on festive periods e.g. Christmas, New Year's Eve etc... All additional charges (including mandatory meal surcharges) need to be cleared directly at the hotel.
- Please note that it takes minimum of 4 to 8 working hours to confirm a reservation at the hotel for same day check-ins.
- Hotels may not allow local residents as guests to check-in. This is strictly subjected to the Hotel Policies and Reliant Holidays will not be Responsible for such check-in denials.
- For Invoice & tax breakup please contact the Hotel as per the details provided or collect the same from the hotel during checkout.
Disclaimer:- Hotel and GST charges are collected on behalf of the hotel. These details are just for information and cannot be used for GST claim. Hotel will issue a GST invoice at the time of checkout which will be required for GST credit.
(This is a computer generated document. Does not require any signature.)
Reliant Holidays Pvt. Ltd